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3-Step counselling and using a counselling card

3-Step counselling and using a counselling card

Key Messages

How to use Assess, Analyse, and Act (AAA) and Observe, Think, Try, and Share (OTTS) when counselling mothers and caregivers: 


1. Assess: Ask, observe and listen to the caregiver or group’s concerns and experience with infant or young child feeding. 

2. Analyse: Think about the caregiver or group’s concerns and prioritize what topics and counselling cards you can share. 

3. Act: Provide information, praise, and identify solutions together that the caregiver or group can try.  


1. Observe: Ask caregiver or group to talk about what they think about the counselling card or visual – story or mini-drama. 

2. Think: Discuss with the caregiver or group how they face the same situation or challenges as shown in the counselling card or visual. 

3. Try: Discuss with the caregiver or group what actions they will commit to trying later.  

4. Share: Encourage the caregiver or group to share their knowledge or experience with others for support.