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Feeding the Sick Baby under 6 months of age

Feeding the Sick Baby under 6 months of age

Key Messages

  • Breastfeed more frequently during illness, including diarrhoea, to help the baby fight sickness, reduce weight loss and recover more quickly.
  • Breastfeeding also provides comfort to your sick baby. If your baby refuses to breastfeed, encourage your baby until he or she takes the breast again.
  • Give only breast milk and medicines recommended by your doctor/ health care provider.
  • If the baby is too weak to suckle, express breast milk to give the baby. This will help you to keep up your milk supply and prevent breast difficulties.
  • After each illness, increase the frequency of breastfeeding to help your baby regain health and weight.
  • When you are sick, you can continue to breastfeed your baby. You may need extra food and support during this time.