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Conditions needed to avoid all breastfeeding

Conditions needed to avoid all breastfeeding

Key Messages

  • Infant feeding recommendations are given to the mother at health facility.
  • Wash hands with soap and water before preparing formula and feeding baby.
  • Make sure to get enough supplies for the baby’s normal growth and development until he or she reaches at least 6 months. (A baby needs about 40 tins of 500g in formula for the first 6 months.)
  • Always read and follow the instructions that are printed on the tin very carefully. Ask for more explanation if you do not understand.
  • Use clean water to mix with the infant formula. If they can, prepare the water that is needed for the whole day. Bring the water to a rolling boil for at least 2 minutes and then pour into a flask or clean covered container specially reserved for boiled water.
  • Keep or carry boiled water and infant formula powder separately to mix for the next feeds, if the mother is working away from home or for night feeds.
  • Wash the utensils with clean water and soap, and then boil them to kill the remaining germs.
  • Use only a clean spoon or cup to feed the baby. Even a newborn baby learns quickly how to drink from a cup. Do not use bottles, teats or spouted cups.
  • Store the formula tin in a safe clean place.
  • Only prepare enough infant formula for one feed at a time, and use the formula within one hour of preparation.
  • DO NOT reintroduce breastfeeding: avoid any mixed feeding.

Reminder: This Counselling Card is only for countries where national policy for HIV exposed infants is exclusive replacement feeding OR for mothers who decided at the health facility to opt out of breastfeeding + ARVs.